CCNP... completed
Jun 15, 2004 @ 4:15PM (Trolan):
The geek quotient on my posts will now return to their normal levels. I'm done with the exams for the CCNP. I've passed all of them. They're all done and in the past now. I won't need to take another one for this stuff for at least two years, and then a simple combined test serves to renew it. For those who don't know what a CCNP entails, go peek at this page over on Cisco's site. We now return you to your normally boring program.

Kudos on your CISCO certs. And i think it's once every three years, not two years.
Posted by warhaven @ 10:07AM Jun 16, 2004

Yeah, it's every 3 for the renewal, but I should start thinking about it in two. Don't wanna get caught by surprise on it. :D
Posted by Trolan @ 10:54AM Jun 16, 2004