
April, 2007
April 25 - Oh yeah - Took the current BSCI exam (642-901) yesterday to renew my CCNP. I'm good for another 3 years now.
April 7 - Pointless entry to signify life - Been a while since I last updated this. There's not been much to update. Just work , sleep,...
March, 2006
March 21 - Bump - Nothing new to see here, this is a bump. Main differences from the last post, which were covered...
September, 2004
September 25 - Communications Update; Part Deux - I will retract my earlier statement. I will have texting, mainly as I'm exercising the number...
September 20 - Communications Update - As of October 12th, I will no longer have text messaging. I reduced my cell plan as I don't use...
June, 2004
June 15 - CCNP... completed - The geek quotient on my posts will now return to their normal levels. I'm done with the exams...
June 14 - CCNP CIT - That's all I have left. I noted a brief break before hitting BCRAN (Remote Access) in my last...
May, 2004
May 30 - CCNP BSCI - Onto part 2 now: Routing. NAT, PBR, EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS and BGP. Such fun topics. Next monday,...
May 24 - Woot - Ok, after only a day and a half of fiddling with things, I think I have everything ported over...
May 23 - Things you overhear... - A: "Woohoo! An overflow! I feel accomplished!" B: "Most people feel accomplished when they...
May 22 - Site stuff - I've started backporting some code from stuff I've done for tools I wrote to make life easier at...
May 10 - Hmph - It amazes me how people can be so judgemental sometimes, and then suddenly find themselves on...
April, 2004
April 15 - BCMSN == pwned - Well, not too owned. 819 when 755 was required to pass, but still. I PASSED. Three left for...
April 2 - CCNP BCMSN - Stuffing spanning-tree into my brain is making my head spin. I think Quality of Service will...
January, 2004
January 9 - Hosting - Well, I just about have all the basic level tools I can think of coded up and in place for...
November, 2003
November 9 - Webmail! - Those of you with accounts on already should be able to see a little "Activate...
November 8 - Welcome - If you see this, you're now seeing the new home of It's now residing on a nice fast...
September, 2003
September 28 - Yosemite! - Pics are up at: . Trip wrapup is at...
August, 2003
August 27 - Yay - Decided to cram for another cert last week, this one the CCNA. Took it this afternoon on a whole...
July, 2003
July 21 - The wait is finally over... - I'm now employed. If you need Internet services, go to Hurricane Electric! DO IT NOW!
May, 2003
May 17 - Priceless - Some of the things you find on message boards when people stamp a thread. I saw this , and...
April, 2003
April 23 - I-22... - Well hot damn. I won one and a half games at bingo tonight. A $25 and a $50 win. First one...
March, 2003
March 17 - And now for something completely different... - ...actually, nothing different. Goal this week is to remove at least one item from the To-do...
March 3 - Maybe IE isn't quite as stupid... - It does understand @media elements, just not how to handle the CSS attribute "visibility:...
February, 2003
February 26 - *sniffle* *cough* Ugh - I wish I knew who gave me this damn cold. Kick their butt. Now while having a cold means I...
February 19 - Stupid Internet Explorer - I made a minor adjustment to the base template for this page to allow IE6 to attempt to use the...
February 11 - Now this is boredom - Picked up a little XML know-how after doing the RSS feed, and decided to look into doing...
February 3 - Back to the grind - Site is back to normal. Life goes on. Added two pref options to the site in regards to blog...
February 1 - Hail Columbia - The site has gone dark in memory of the final crew of Columbia. Current information on the...
January, 2003
January 29 - Just for S&G's - I added an RSS feed. is the home of it. Should work fine with any...
January 16 - Quick Update - Still looking for work, still not getting any callbacks. At least the federal unemployment...
December, 2002
December 31 - As the clock ticks over - Ah, New Year's Eve, finally. Another year almost in the books. Some good, some bad, all good...
December 19 - Ah, the Holidays - The fun of the holidays, when the weather turns nasty, and things otherwise are supposed to start...
November, 2002
November 30 - Even more boredom - I also added a histogram for the votes on irc quotes and haiku. Now if that's not boredom, I...
November 28 - Boredom - This unemployement thing really bites. Applying all over the place, and getting minimal response...
November 11 - Uncertain - The nature of spam seems to be changing. Either that or I'm just getting targetted for some...
October, 2002
October 24 - Two semi-significant things changed on the site today. - Two semi-significant things changed on the site today. 1) Events on the gaming calendar now let...
October 4 - More of the same - Nothing terribly exciting since the last update. I still haven't found work and sitting on my...
September, 2002
September 13 - I'm back from my trip to Las Vegas. - I'm back from my trip to Las Vegas. Some thoughts: Wheel of Fortune can be a friendly slot,...
September 1 - ...and one more. - One more site change. Now it's XHTML Transitional, at least for the root of the site, the rest...
August, 2002
August 16 - Yet more site updates - I coded a couple more items today. Register links on all pages now come back to the main site...
August 13 - ...and The sordid past be revealed. - I setup the archives! No sordid past to detail however, sorry, that was just a typical teasing...
August 12 - Let the blogging begin - Comments system now hooked up, along with my addition tools, privilege system and all that kinda...
August 12 - Yes, this is suspiciously starting to look like a blog. I've got some time on my hands, so I...
August 9 - Ok, the login bit on the side works. Now to do the prefs page, and I'll be happy.
August 8 - In case anyone was wondering why I didn't have a single user repo in the first place for my...
July, 2002
July 25 - /gaming has now been converted. Everything in there is working, I just need to get the name...
July 25 - Remaining bits in /irc should be operational again. Any problems, let me know. I'm considering...
July 24 - Started work on the single-signon stuff for the site. /irc is the test dummy for this one....
July 16 - Been a while since the last update. I recently restructured alot of code on the site to make the...
June, 2002
June 5 - Ok, I'm back from my trip. Back to the ol' grind. Sucky. And my birthday no less.
April, 2002
April 29 - Photo gallery on the Trip Journal complete. Amazing thing is, it's the same code as from /irc/....
April 21 - /cnet section completed, minus a page or two I don't care about. This site is finally all...
April 21 - Finished up the projects I gave myself in /gaming.
April 19 - Final impressions are a bitch. If you don't know what I'm talking about, count yourself lucky....
April 17 - This site is finally getting some attention paid to it. I think it looks much better. Everything...