Posted by: BaschaScore: 5.00
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 8:52PM0 Comments Link
<prine> i just went to the kitchen... got there, had no idea why i went there... so i open the
fridge... look in to see if i see what my idea was, so i spot this whipping cream... and get an idea
that i should inhale a bunch of it. Well i do. then i come back to my room and see my empty glass
and realize i was going to the kitchen for water. 
<DaRoach> um
<DaRoach> dumbass
<fukdis> pothead
<Bascha> fascinating
<Trolan> addicts
<DaRoach> "so then im like, should i shove the gerbil up my ass? and i do. and then i get
back to my room and realize i had forgotten the lube"