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<from ICQ> Elf: When I mentioned the micro-black holes to my dad and showed him the article, he just kind of looked at me for a while then said, "Great. The most destructive force in the universe, and they're proud to create one." Gallomimia: yeah... that's funny actually. Gallomimia: i wouldn't someone thinks about it. Elf: I can immagine the last picture those scientists made. Not unlike the one taken of the guys running around in the field after the first nuclear bomb went off. Elf: They're grinning and pointing at the black hole they just made. Elf: heh Elf: "It's perfectly safe! Look!" Elf: *poof* Gallomimia: oops. shit. Elf: Sorry Jerry, didn't mean to push you into that... Elf: Ok guys, just a note. No poking the black holes. Gallomimia: CRITICAL MASS! Elf: *piff* There goes Earth. Gallomimia: and the sun... Elf: The orbiting shuttle tries communicating, "Uhhhh...Houston?" Gallomimia: and now we have a binary galaxy Gallomimia: "why are you all the size of a pin?" |